WorkSafe Tasmania

WorkSafe Tasmania

Safe and well every day

White cards (construction induction)

Do I need a white card?

To work in the construction industry at any level you must have an induction card, also known as a white card. For example, if you are:

  • person with control of construction projects, such as a principal contractor, project manager, main contractor, builder, employer, self-employed person
  • person with control of construction work, such as an employer, self-employed person, principal contractor, main contractor, sub-contractor
  • person carrying out work on a construction site, such as an employee, contractor, labour-hire worker.

You can only get a construction induction card by:

  • completing construction induction training AND
  • lodging an application at Service Tasmania (see How to apply for a white card below).

If you’re a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU), you must ensure general construction induction training is provided to any worker engaged by the person carrying out the construction work.

As a worker carrying out construction work you must keep your construction card available for inspection.


The following people don’t have to get a white card or do the training are:

  • visitors to a construction site who are accompanied by a person who has received the induction training, and
  • people temporarily at a construction site to deliver equipment, supplies, material or services where a risk assessment indicates that any risks to them can be controlled through other measures (such as implementing visitor management plans, restricted access to low-risk areas, visitor sign-in/out procedures and so on).

White card training

This training must be delivered by a Registered Training Organisation and must be completed in Tasmania.

It is the applicants responsibility to ensure that the training provider they engage has the required national training unit - "Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry (CPCWHS1001)" within their scope for delivery in Tasmania. You can find those RTOs at

Once you have successfully completed this training, the RTO will provide a statement of attainment. This must include your name, the RTO number, the date of issue and training unit number (CPCWHS1001) otherwise it will not be accepted.

You’ll have 60 days from the date of your training to apply for your white card.

How to apply for a white card

You must submit the following documents at a Service Tasmania outlet:

  • a completed Construction Induction Application Form (PDF, 2.7 MB)
  • a copy of the Statement of Attainment confirming the successful completion of the course in Tasmania. This must include your name, RTO number, date of issue and training unit (CPCWHS1001)*
  • your evidence of identity documents.

You will need to pay a fee (this is on the application form).

If you cannot supply the documentation required your application may be refused.

*You’ll have 60 days from the date of your training to apply for your white card. If you don’t, you will need to submit a written declaration from the RTO who provided the training confirming that you successfully completed the training.

Service Tasmania will review the documentation and forward it to WorkSafe for processing. If you do not receive your card within 60 days from when you lodged it with Service Tas, please call WorkSafe.

When you get your white card, it’s a good idea to take a picture of the number or write it down and keep it safe. That way if you lose your card and need to replace it, you can submit the number to WorkSafe.

How to apply for a replacement white card

If you have lost your white card, you must submit the following documents at a Service Tasmania outlet:

You will need to pay a fee too (this is on the application form).

If your white card was not originally issued in Tasmania your application will not be accepted. You will need to apply for a replacement card in the relevant state.

Service Tasmania will review the documentation and forward it to WorkSafe for processing. If you do not receive your card within 60 days from when you lodged it with Service Tas, please call WorkSafe.

Using an interstate white card in Tasmania

If you’re from another state and you hold a current and valid card from another jurisdiction, you don’t need to get a Tasmanian white card.

In detail, all cards issued after successfully completing the national unit of competency (CPCWHS1001) will be recognised in Tasmania.

Here is a breakdown state by state:

  • Australian Capital Territory: ACT cards issued after 1 September 2009 are recognised in Tasmania
  • New South Wales: NSW cards issued after 31 March 2004 are recognised in Tasmania
  • Northern Territory: NT cards are recognised in Tasmania
  • Queensland white cards: All QLD blue cards and any white cards issued after June 2009 are recognised in Tasmania
  • South Australia: SA cards are recognised in Tasmania
  • Victoria: Both Vic red card and white cards issued after 1 July 2008 are recognised in Tasmania
  • Western Australia: Both WA blue cards and white cards issued after September 2009 are recognised in Tasmania.

WorkSafe Tasmania resources

Evidence of identity

Mutual recognition of interstate induction cards   

Construction Induction Application Form

Construction Induction Replacement Application Form  

Other resources

Last updated: 31 October 2024
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