WorkSafe Tasmania

WorkSafe Tasmania

Safe and well every day

Welcoming your new and young workers to the workplace

WorkSafe research has shown that new young workers have a higher incidence of being injured within their first year of employment. Younger workers often don’t know who to talk to at work about work health and safety issues, and they’re also less likely to raise a work health and safety issue with their managers or report an incident or injury.

The power of inductions

Inductions cover your health and safety policy and culture, emergency procedures, hazards and risks in your workplace, and how you manage these. Inductions should also introduce key safety people like health and safety reps, fire wardens and first aid officers. We have information and templates to help you set up your inductions.

Start with an induction

Help them understand their rights and responsibilities

Maybe you’re helping your kids enter the workforce with a summer job. Check out our info so you all understand their rights and responsibilities when it comes to work health and safety.

Supporting new and young workers

Get the new worker guide

WorkSafe Tasmania has a guide aimed at new and young workers. Download a copy to go through this information with your worker.

Welcome to the Workplace (PDF, 621.1 KB)

Want more support?

If you’re a small or medium sized business, our Advisory Service can help you manage safety in your workplace, including your new and young workers.

Request a free visit from our Advisory Service

Sign up to receive the Monthly Safety Spotlight e-newsletter (choose 'general marketing communications').

Last updated: 24 September 2024
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