If you disagree with any decision of your employer, you can refer the matter to the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
The Tribunal determines disputes about workers rehabilitation and compensation, such as:
- liability for a claim; for example, whether an injury was work-related
- issues concerning weekly payments, such as the start, amount, reduction or termination of payments
- payment for medical and other services
- reimbursement of travelling expenses
- issues relating to injury management.
The Tribunal deals with most referrals through a conciliation process. If the dispute cannot be resolved this way, the Tribunal holds an arbitrated hearing to resolve the matter.
Referring a matter to the Tribunal
A referral can be made by the worker, the employer or the insurer.
The Tribunal has specific forms you must use for referring disputes to it. Contact the Tribunal for the correct form.
WorkSafe Tasmania resources
Workers Compensation Handbook: The Basics (PDF, 295.3 KB)
Guide to Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation in Tasmania (PDF, 615.3 KB)