WorkSafe Tasmania

WorkSafe Tasmania

Safe and well every day

Working Well Study

The Working Well study is a statewide survey that will create a benchmark of the capabilities within Tasmanian organisations for creating and maintaining mentally healthy workplaces.

There are two versions of the survey: one for organisations which gathers information from key informants with operational or executive responsibility for worker wellbeing; and another for workers which collects views on workplace mental health management capabilities from Tasmanian employees.

Working Well is research funded by the WorkCover Board Tasmania to inform the development of Tasmania’s Workplace Mental Health Framework by WorkSafe Tasmania (Department of Justice) in partnership with Community, Mental Health and Wellbeing (Department of Health). The study is being conducted by researchers at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research, University of Tasmania and has been approved by the Tasmanian Human Research Ethics Committee (Ref 30377).

Complete the Working Well survey

Working Well study launch and panel discussion

As part of Working Well study, we had held a Launch and Panel discussion. You can watch this in this YouTube video:

Last updated: 15 October 2024
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