WorkSafe Tasmania

WorkSafe Tasmania

Safe and well every day

Labour hire workers

Host employers using labour hire workers

A ‘host employer’:

  • uses labour hire workers supplied by a labour hire agency, or
  • engages a trainee through a group training company.

You must manage the safety of your labour hire workers the same way you manage the safety of your own workers.

Working with the labour hire agency

  • Advise the labour hire agency of the job requirements, work environment, organisation arrangements, work health and safety risks associated with the work, and the skills, knowledge and licences required for the work.
  • Confirm who will provide any equipment (including personal protective equipment) so the workers can do their work safely.
  • Help the labour hire agency meet its work heath and safety obligations. For example, give the agency access to your workplace and any relevant documents so it can assess your workplace.
  • Make sure there is a quick effective and consistent channel for communication with the labour hire agency in place at all times.

Define the work

  • Define the job, tasks or roles the labour hire workers will do. The scope of works should be reviewed consistently for any changes that the labour hire agency may need to be alerted to.
  • Identify hazards associated with the work, and assess and control risks. Consult with health and safety representatives and workers to do this on a regular basis.
  • Make sure any equipment (including personal protective equipment) brought into your workplace meets safety standards and is appropriate to the work being done.
  • Encourage the labour hire agency and workers to take part in hazard management specific to the labour hire worker’s work.
  • Tell the labour hire agency if there’s a change to your workplace that affects the labour hire worker.
  • Don’t transfer the labour hire worker to other tasks until you discuss it with the labour hire agency.

About the labour hire worker

  • Identify the skills and knowledge (such as licensing requirements) the labour hire worker needs to safely perform their work. Verify they have these.
  • Give them an induction. Make sure they understand your safety requirements.
  • Provide them with adequate supervision and training to ensure they do their work safely.
  • Support and encourage their rights to be represented in work health and safety issues. Introduce them to your health and safety representatives, and the person responsible for managing safety in their work area.
  • Encourage them to stay in contact with their labour hire agency, particularly if they have work health and safety issues that require addressing.

Labour hire agencies supplying workers to host employers

  • Gather information from the host employer about the job (including the qualifications, skills and licences needed) so you can match the right worker to the position.
  • Ask the host employers what is the potential for injury to their workers.
  • Consult with the host employer on how identified risks are/can be controlled.
  • Have a written agreement with the host employer that clearly outlines work health and safety expectations and responsibilities, including how to quickly communicate information.
  • Provide your own induction and training.
  • Regularly visit the host employer’s workplace.
  • Have a documented system for managing work health and safety, including agency staff trained in work health and safety.
  • Have a workers compensation insurance policy and fulfil your duty to manage return to work to injured workers.


Know your duties online resources hub for Labour hire industry: Safe Work Australia

Labour hire: Duties of persons conducting a business or undertaking (PDFs): Safe Work Australia

Labour hire case study: Safe Work Australia

Last updated: 24 July 2024
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