WorkSafe Tasmania’s offices will be closed from 12 noon Tuesday 24 December 2024 until 9am Thursday 2 January 2025. There will be reduced Inspectorate services available for response activities. You can still notify WorkSafe of a notifiable incident by calling 1300 366 322 and using the red notify button on our website below. We wish you a safe and happy holiday season.

WorkSafe Tasmania

WorkSafe Tasmania

Safe and well every day

Deemed diseases

The WorkCover Board Tasmania has published a Notice about ‘deemed diseases’. This means that a worker who suffers one of the diseases listed, who has been:

  • employed in the work specified against that disease, or
  • exposed to a substance at work that is specified against that disease

then that employment is ‘presumed to have contributed to that disease to substantial degree’. This removes the difficulty some workers face proving a connection in order to claim workers compensation.

For example: a worker in the steel industry who has been exposed to manganese at work is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. His employment is presumed to be the main cause of that disease (unless there is compelling evidence otherwise), and he can submit a claim for compensation.


Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Deemed Diseases) Notice 2017: Tasmanian Legislation

Last updated: 14 November 2024
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