Key findings in the 2022 Industry Snapshots:
- Body stressing remains the most common cause of injury in Tasmania.
- Injuries from mental stress have increased and now make up 16% of all serious injuries.
- There were 15% fewer injuries in 2022 compared to ten years ago.
- The proportion of serious injuries (those requiring at least one week of work) has increased from 36% to 46% in that same time.
You’ll find these and other statistics in WorkSafe Tasmania’s 2022 Industry Snapshots, which cover safety performance data and trends across the state and all industries. These highlight the safety performance of each industry in Tasmania, comparing data from the current year to previous years and between industries too.
Choose or search for your industry to find reports and/or posters organised by year.
Accommodation and Food Services industry snapshot
Hotels, clubs, restaurants, cafes, takeaway food, music and entertainment.
Administrative and Support Services industry snapshot
Building/cleaning/gardening services, employment services, travel agencies, packaging companies.
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing industry snapshot
Animal farming, veg/flower/fruit/grain farming, aquaculture and fishing, forestry.
Arts and Recreation industry snapshot
Sports, physical recreation activities, animal racing, amusements, gambling, parks/nature reserves, performing arts venues, museums/galleries.
Construction industry snapshot
Installation work and construction, demolition, alteration, reconstruction, maintenance, repair of buildings and other structures.
Education and Training industry snapshot
Preschools, schools, universities, technical colleges, adult and community education and educational support services.
Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services industry snapshot
Electricity generation, transmission, distribution, supply, and on selling electricity and electricity market operation. Gas supply. Water supply, sewerage and drainage services. Waste collection, treatment, disposal, remediation services.
Financial and Insurance Services industry snapshot
Baking, insurance, investment services, superannuation funds.
Health Care and Social Assistance industry snapshot
Hospitals, medical, pathology and allied health services. Aged, disability and other residential care. Child care. Some forms of social assistance services such as community health centres.
Information Media and Telecommunications industry snapshot
Newspapers, book publishers. Film, television, video: production, broadcast and distributions. Cinemas. Music recording. Libraries and archives. Internet providers and publishers.
Manufacturing industry snapshot
Food products such as bakery goods, meat, dairy, confectionery and beverages. Engineering and metal fabrication. Joinery and cabinet making. Clothing and textile production.
Mining industry snapshot
Metal ore mining, gas extraction, construction material mining, exploration, quarrying, mineral processing.
Other Services industry snapshot
Repair/maintenance (automotive, machinery, equipment, other). Personal care services. Funeral, crematorium and cemetery. Religious services. Civic, professional and other interest group services. Private households employing staff.
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services industry snapshot
Architectural and engineering work, computer system design, management, consulting, market research and advertising, scientific research, veterinary services, legal and accounting services.
Public Administration and Safety industry snapshot
Defence, state and local government administration, public order and safety services (such as fire fighters, police, prison and security officers).
Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services industry snapshot
Renting and hiring of vehicles and equipment. Real estate services.
Retail Trade industry snapshot
Bricks-and-mortar shops for all kinds of products, direct mail and online shopping.
Transport, Postal and Warehousing industry snapshot
Road, rail and water transport (freight and passengers), transport support services, warehouse and storage services, postal and courier services.
Wholesale Trade industry snapshot
Businesses that buy and sell finished products to other businesses, and in some circumstances, to the general public.