Interstate high risk work licences are recognised in Tasmania.
However, if your licence was issued in another Australian jurisdiction, you can apply to transfer your interstate high risk work licence if you now reside in Tasmania.
You must submit the following documents at a Service Tasmania outlet:
- a completed Licence to Perform High Risk Application form (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- your current interstate issued HRW licence (a copy will be taken)
- your evidence of identity documents.
You will need to pay a fee, and have your photograph taken.
If you now reside in Tasmania and your interstate high risk work licence needs to be renewed you will need to apply for a Tasmanian high risk work licence.
If you have a Tasmanian high risk work licence and you are now a resident of another state or territory, you must renew your licence in that state or territory. Contact details are below.
Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
Locked Bag 2906, Lisarow NSW 2252